
Life in BVMi

Transformational Education

  • Well rounded and holistic education.
  • Opens the door to the World’s most prestigious Universities.
  • A demanding, rigorous and empowering curriculum which will equip BVM International students to excel at degree level and compete globally.
  • Benchmark against international standards and the best of global student community.
  • Global recognition of International GCSE syllabus, by Universities and educators worldwide, enables students to apply to study and work across the world.Exposure to a global culture & network that is extremely enriching for a child.
  • Celebration of diversity - an essential ingredient to a complete & balanced education and a great way to nurture, develop a child’s creativity & imagination.
  • Semester system
  • Project Based Learning
  • Experiential Learning
  • Stage Exposure- Every child participates
  • Achievement tests at the end of Grade5 and Grade8 provides certified recognition of student’s study
  • Wide range of subjects catering to the interest and aptitude of the students after IGCSE
  • Modular system for IAL to maximise student performance and learn at their own pace
  • A bright start for your child’s future, a winning edge & competitive advantage.

BVM Digital Learning Platform

Our campus is equipped with the latest digital facilities, providing for a cohesive learning experience.

Your child will have access to unbiased, proprietary learning through interactive virtual, on-demand and in-person experiences that support growth in every stage of your child’s life.

“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.”

- George Couros


Our students gain valuable exposure to essential 21st Century Skills which is weaved into the learning process

Team Builders Communication & Collaboration

Enlightened & “self aware” human with a strong inner core

Critical thinking, problem solving & computational thinking

Grit & resilience

Leadership at every level

Cognitive Bandwidth

Creativity, Innovation and courage to take risks

Life in BVMi opens the door to

Prestigious Universities of India & around the World

  • VIT Vellore Institute of Technology
  • SSN College of Engineering
  • Loyola College of Engineering
  • Symbiosis International University
  • National Instiute of Fashion Technology
  • Mount Carmel College, Bangalore
  • Jindal Global Law School
  • IIT Madras
  • St.Xaviers College
  • Shristi College Of Design
  • Manipal University
  • Stanley Medical College
  • Sastra School of Law
  • PSG Medical College
  • Purdue University, USA
  • Vanderbilt University, USA
  • George Mason University, USA
  • University of Pittsburgh, USA
  • University of Texas, USA
  • University of Passau, Germany
  • University of North Texas, USA

Students Forum

A socially rich learning environment that connects learners with a PAN BVM network of valuable partners viz expert teachers, alumni, parents and fellow students who can support individual needs in a forum setting.

Participation in these communities can empower students to become life ready by applying the knowledge gained in contexts beyond school and pursuing ongoing education goals.

Faculty Members

BVM Global is a young, vibrant organisation. Over 390 teachers supported by 200 staff form the foundation to deliver unique learning experiences to each and every student.

Teacher training is on-going and these sessions inspire them to explore the latest educational techniques from around the world.

Above 5 Years
Above 4 Years
Above 3 Years
Above 2 Years
Above 1 Years
Less than 1 Years 74

BVM Teachers Network

BVM Teachers network, a PAN BVM knowledge sharing platform connects teachers to a virtual network of peers that will enable community discussions, empower teachers to interact and share ideas about education, learning methodologies, lesson plans, online class, new technologies, classroom management, teaching strategies, Board exams, and more!

BVM Teachers Forum helps to develop skills and enhance teaching effectiveness driving student achievement.

Parent Connect

At BVM we believe that Parent involvement leads to student success. We reach out to parents through one on one meetings, open communication, regular updates through the BVM App and through Parent Teacher meetings.

The Parent Teacher Association {PTA} actively supports the school in meaningful ways.

We are committed to engage actively with parents to support the student’s learning and development.

School Campuses


Active Students


Happy Parents

Highly Qualified Teachers

Well Trained Staff


B.Ed Qualifed Teachers